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Sunday, June 29, 2014

Part 1: ZOOcial Media Day at PARADIZOO

June 28 is a significant event especially to Social Media practitioners. Celebrated worldwide is the Social Media day by Mashable. Different social media groups held events on different parts of the country and were attended by thousands of bloggers and other media.

In line with this, Zoomanity Group, the leader in Theme Parks in the Philippines with CEO Robert Laurel Yupangco, invited bloggers and traditional media in their theme parks—Paradizoo & Residence Inn—located in Tagaytay City to celebrate the annual Social Media day and is entitled “ZOOcial Media Day”.

Enjoy the visual diary by Dok Tour! :)


Trivia Board

We were welcomed with this tanglad tea (lemongrass tea) which tastes really good and is very refreshing.

Paradizoo is really picturesque. It is a 12-hectare farm owned by the Zoomanity group. According to the Marketing and Branding Manager of the Zoomanity Group, Grace Bondad-Nicholas, their theme parks have different themes and are located in different provinces in the country. For Paradizoo, they have farm animals freely loitering all around the 12-hectare land. There is also a flower garden, vegetable farm, bee farm and lots of stuff.

It has been a while since I have a face-to-face encounter with animals since my routine every day is house-gym-work-house and repeat. And so I took advantage to that very moment to have an encounter with these beautiful creatures. There are rabbits, horses, ostriches, carabaos, chickens, pigs and many more farm animals.

Rabbit - They can run up to 35 miles per hour!



Pot-belly pigs!

Horse. Yeeeehaaa!


Come on! This is my first time to see a greyhound in flesh! This greyhound is from England and is worth P120k. And tell you guys, they are the fastest dogs!


The bloggers also experienced how to milk a goat. It was discussed by our tour guide for that day, Karen of Paradizoo Farm. I find it difficult to milk a goat. I tried it before in Mindoro and I am afraid to squeeze the goat’s breast as I might hurt them.

Meet Voltes 5 (Bulltes 5)

Are you guys wondering why this bull’s name is Voltes 5? Ha! Voltes 5 has five feet and Karen said the owner find this bull as lucky. So he is not for sale! ( By the way all the animals in Paradizoo are for sale except for special animals like Voltes 5 )

Paradizoo’s Pet Cemetery

The theme park also has a pet cemetery. This only goes to show how they value their animals in the farm. High respect to the management of the park!

Flower Garden

We also went to Paradizoo’s Flower Garden. The flower garden is revitalizing and is very attractive. There are lots of colorful flowers and they are really beautiful. I am impressed on how they keep their flowers that beautiful.


Poinsenttia. Why is it not maroon/red in color?

Mickey Mouse. They are poisonous so don’t eat!

Forget me not. Classic flower from Jose Rizal’s novel

Such a good weather! The blogger Mars Callo doing her photo opportunity. J

House of butterflies!

We went to the house of butterflies. As per our tour guide, they only have 5 species of butterflies there and they are planning to add more species in the farm. Yay! It was really hard to capture photos of them and for the caterpillars, the otherwise! Ha!

We then went to the Bee farm!

Yikes! Afraid!

 Can you spot the Queen Bee?

The blogger behind boy-raket

The blogger behind yourhappycamper.wordpress.com

There is also a vegetable nursery in the farm wherein you can buy your choice of herbs and spices at a marked down price. Thanks Paradizoo!

Stairway to the vegetable nursery.

Hydroponics Farming

Bloggers shopping galore!


After our farming activity, we went to the wedding pavilion for a “short activity” and introduction of ourselves to the rest of the media people present in the event and was followed by the talks of the COO of the Zoomanity Group JB.
COO of the ZOOmanity Group

Paradizoo is really a quick getaway from the stress in Manila. It is the best place to chill, bond with your family and friends and an amazing abode to experience vegetable picking, head-on encounter with farm animals and many other stuff. The Zoomanity group really did a great job in putting a theme park like this one.
Head on to Tagaytay now and have a ZOOrific experience in Paradizoo Farms!

Part 2 of our ZOOcial Media Day, read HERE.

Paradizoo is Dok Tour-approved! 

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