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Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Easy Taxi's 1st Anniversary at Luxent Hotel

Recently, Easy Taxi celebrated it's 1st year anniversary in the Philippines at Luxent Hotel.

It was spearheaded by their Regional Managing Director Mario Berta who pushed the success of the said company in the Philippines. Present in the event are the taxi operators and some of their drivers, who really worked hard and teamed for the success of Easy Taxi, and also the bosses of ET.

Happy 1st Anniversary Easy Taxi

The event was called Operator's Event where the taxi operators were awarded because of their partnership with the company. Mario Berta presented the performance of the company after a year of operations in the Philippines.

Mario explained to the people present in the event that Easy Taxi is the biggest taxi app in the world and they are constantly expanding to other parts of the globe. In the Philippines, with their partnership with Megaworld Corporation, they will have a dedicated Taxi bays particularly in Eastwood, Lucky Chinatown Mall and in Venice Piazza Mall.

Mario Berta discussing Easy Taxi's performance

They also recognized the performance of their taxi drivers in the event especially Policarpio Isla & Jiomedez Castilla. 

Taxi Operators Awarding..

And for this year, they will be launching also their new services specifically the Easy Taxi Corporate and Easy Taxi Concierge. More information will soon be disseminated by their marketing specialists.

Congratulations on this milestone, Easy Taxi! Dok Tour is looking forward for your company's success hereafter!


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