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Thursday, June 19, 2014

Unlock your skill with KitKat! #KITKATBreakMovement

Everybody wants a sharp memory. A memory than can remember every details in your life. The date when you said yes to your partner, the moment you talked to your mom regarding you failing grades, the place where you first saw your husband, even the girl who busted you. All those memories should never be forgotten.

I have to admit, yes I am forgetful. I tend to forget things when my mind is pre-occupied by thoughts, some are unnecessary. Ha! Sometimes, I am just really forgetful. Though when I remembered something again that is linked to that "forgotten stuff", I easily dredge up again.

There was a time when I had my "senior moment" and forgot that I need to send an email containing the daily report of our work. I seriously forgot about sending it and went straight home.

If there is any skill that I want to unlock with KitKat, that would be "Never forget any detail". It is really important nowadays to evoke and store everything in our memories. Yes, even the bad ones. With that skill, you can easily figure out situations efficiently and effectively without second thoughts. You can even make wiser decisions if you remember every details and in this way, you can improve your thinking patterns.

Various KitKat

I used to believe before that chocolates can improve our memory. After random researches on the internet, I found out that only dark chocolates with high percentage of cocoa especially with the beneficial substance "flavanols" can improve our memory. So it's just a myth that all chocolates can enhance our memory and the like, tell your mommas. Ha!

Dark Chocolate KitKat

After a thorough search on the world wide web about dark chocolates, I found out that KitKat also has a dark chocolate variant. Well, I guess this can unlock my "Never forget any detail" skill. Nah! I believe KitKat will help me unlock that skill even if it is not Dark Chocolate so I can be more effective and I can make wiser decisions.

How could you forget a thing if you will reward yourself with this delightful chocolate? :)

KitKat is DT-approved!

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